Nos partenaires, nos amis, nos sources d'inspiration

Nos partenaires, nos amis, nos sources d'inspiration

The Change Leaders

A community of change practitioners.
The Change Leaders was founded as a global network and community of practice in 2004. It is an outgrowth of the “Consulting and Coaching for Change Programme“, a joint-venture of Oxford University, UK, and Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France. The community has an ongoing relationship with both organisations.

Nos partenaires, nos amis, nos sources d'inspiration

International Association of Facilitators

IAF is dedicated to growing facilitators and encouraging the use of group process methodologies world-wide.

Our mission: to grow the community of practice for all those who facilitate, establish internationally accepted professional standards, build credibility and promote the value of facilitation around the world.

Nos partenaires, nos amis, nos sources d'inspiration

L'Institut de la Sociodynamique

La sociodynamique, formalisée par Jean-Christian Fauvet († 2010) nous invite à considérer les organisations humaines comme des champs d’énergie, pas toujours bien employée, et à en comprendre les manifestations. C’est un langage de l’action qui aide les dirigeants à rendre les femmes et les hommes de l’entreprise porteurs et acteurs des projets de transformation.

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